What's on your bucket list for 2014? … [Read more...]
Broads Abroad | Living a Tango-inspired Adventure!
What's on your bucket list for 2014? … [Read more...]
I haven't reported on my dancing lately ..... but I have been dancing! My foot is still killing me, but ice and ibuprofen help a lot! It's taken me awhile to find my confidence .... lots of floor time, and frequenting the same places helps a great … [Read more...]
On my trip to Mendoza I wanted to experience a bit of the outdoors as well as the wine. My first day there, which happened to have the best weather for being outside, I did some kayaking and horseback riding. My guide Tony and I just getting … [Read more...]
I came across this bike tour on the Internet, but later saw it in my lonely planet guide, offered by Biking Buenos Aires. They also offer the usual city tours, but all on 'bici' or bicycle. This sounded too different and interesting to pass up so I … [Read more...]
I spent an awesome Sunday with new friends at the country fair, well not really the country it was still in the city but away from the center and with a country feel. A lot of what we did was eat, and the food was great! Appies, tamales, sweet and … [Read more...]
You would have to be completely oblivious not to notice how crazy people are for the game here or know who Messi is! And yesterday, March 22, was a big game. Argentina vs Venezuela for a spot in the World Cup. I saw a bit of the game on TV early … [Read more...]
Sooooo Salsa in BA, how will it be? Went to a class at the Centro Cultural Borges, the instructor was so much fun! I will return for sure, I think he was impressed that a women from Canada could dance Salas at all, he just kept saying 'suave, suave' … [Read more...]
Still walking and enjoying the beautiful sunshine and landscapes. … [Read more...]
I love to walk and wander, not with any particular destination just to observe life. Yesterday I headed out in a different direction toward a park on my map, Parque Las Heras. The streets were quiet and I made my way, have I mentioned how great the … [Read more...]
Well, isn't life really education, especially if you intend to be conscious of the lessons life hands you? I went to University after high school and … read more...
'Intention', we all hear/read about intention but in my personal experience it takes only this to set life in motion, to take a new direction. It was … [Read More...]
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